OK--my birthday was on Friday. I feel the old-ness creeping in. Anyway, Mark and the boys were camping (I'll share pics later, Mark let Ty take them ALL) Alaina had a party to go to, Kyra had to babysit. So, Jen and Natalie went to my friends house to hang out with her kids so she could go have fun with me! It was me, Angie, Jody and Pam. First we went to Texas Roadhouse, had girl talk, giggles, etc. At the end we decided to go to a movie that started in 10 minutes so I got outta there without sitting on the bday saddle and being embarrassed. WOO HOO!! On to the movies. The one we wanted to see had been replaced by X-Men because of high demand. Jody decided to work her magic. The theater messed up our plans so we each got 2 free movie tickets. Awesome! After the movie (it was 11:15) we decided it was time for dessert. The only place open after 11 was Village Inn. So, pie it was! After 2 hours of pie, more talking, more giggles, we decided it was time to go home. By the time I took Jody home, Picked up Kyra, took Angie home and picked up the remaining girls and got home to bed--it was 2:30!! I'm too old for that :) But, since the guys were gone and the girls were tired, I slept in til 10 HEE HEE!!
The next 2 days were spent finishing moving and cleaning our business (partly to my house) Unfortunately that meant working on Sunday. But we had a deadline and no choice. Sunday was also supposed to be the day that we were going to BBQ and do the family bday thing. I called Angie about 5:00 and was filling her in on the 2 days of back breaking labor and commented that my bday dinner would wait until Monday because we were too tired to cook. No biggee! We finally got home around 7:15 ( I think) To our surprise there was our sweet friends, Angie and Brian. They had cleaned my kitchen, BBQ'd my bday steak, made baked potatoes and veggies and even baked a pan of brownies. They ordered us to go take a much needed shower and left us to have our family dinner ( we finally ate at 8:15) I almost cried, I think I was too tired though. It was so cool. I love surprises. After dinner it was time for jammies and the rest of the bedtime routine cuz it was 9:00!
On to this morning...
I woke to Natalie sleeping on the floor next to my bed. When I woke her up I noticed her bear smooshed between my jewelry box and nightstand. She is very protective of her stuffed animals so I was surprised. When I pointed it out to her she commented with, " I know, I was afraid to sleep with it"
She proceeded to share her dream with me which had me rolling in laughter (partly cuz it was 7 am & I didn't get much sleep) but I didn't want to forget it so it gets to be posted for later reminder. The dream...
We were asleep in the house and an alarm went off. I said to Natalie "yes, that is the teddy bear alarm" so we all went outside. All of the teddy bears in the world had come to life. They ate her tortoises ( her favorite thing since she loves animals) then they started to eat everybody else.
I laughed so hard. She said "it was really scary, not funny" But when I couldn't stop laughing, she thought maybe it was kind of funny now that she's not scared.
It was cuter to have her tell it. But at least I can look back later and remember the moment.
Our lives are such a roller coaster right now. We go from excited to mad to sad to goofy and any other emotions that are possible. Sometimes that's just in an hour. But I'm enjoying it, at least we aren't bored!
Slow Start
1 week ago
What a fun birthday and what a great friend Angie is! Wow! Glad you had fun this weekend - you definitely deserve it!
Happy Birthday! What a good friend indeed! I love your outlook on life. I'm going to need to remind myself "at least were not bored"!
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