Alot of you have been asking if Ty is doing better with the whole "school situation" So,here's the background and the update. When Ty started kindergarten this year, it wasn't pretty! He doesn't do well with change (that's putting it nicely) He doesn't even like going on vacations because it's out of the usual.At Disneyland he kept begging to go home. Anyway,the first day of school I got a call from the teacher,something about a "meltdown" I informed her that was normal because it's a change blah blah blah. It got really bad really fast. We had several days of me being called to the school 'cuz he was "out of control" He hit the principle,the counselor and one time beat up the security guard. That's when they called in the district psychologist :)We were thinking that some of the acting out was tied into to the fact that he was having a hard time writing,cutting,anything with his hands and maybe he was just frustrated. They decided to do all kinds of tests for academics,emotional disabilities,motor skills,etc.So,we had the meeting today. They don't want to label him with anything since he's only 5. But we did find out that his IQ is 115!! (the average ranges from 75-115) so he's at the highest end of average. Some of the more specific things he even scored 118.So,he's smart. So for now they are saying he's "at risk" for ADHD and emotional disability.They are implimenting some new things for us and his teacher to try to get him past this before he's too old. He will also be working with an occupational therapist.So,hopefully he'll be acting a little better. He's so stinkin' cute so it's hard to get upset with him.
Now the part that bugs me (i think) of the tests they had him do (I wish they could give me a copy of it)he had to draw himself, Mark and me. Mark was at the bottom of the page and big,which they said means Ty knows dad's in charge and he better think twice before messing with him and that dad is a grounded person. Then she pulled out mine and Ty's. Ty was bigger than me and he was at the bottom of the page and I was at the top of the page. This means--Ty is in charge of me,I'm a softy push-over and he's more grounded than me! Also,everybodys arms stuck out the sides of their heads.At the time we thought "ok,that's weird" but later Mark pointed out "oh,spongebob's arms are on the side of his head!" OK-that makes sense.Anyway,I'm normally very strict,consistant (I've been told I run my house like an army base) but when it comes to Ty,it's just easier to give in than fight him 'cuz he doesn't give in easily.He's been doing so much better with behavior at school.But, today we found out it's 'cuz his teacher knows what sets him off so she just avoids those things. So,she's as bad as me. Avoid and give in!!
At least I know that this is all due to the fact that "his brain is wired differently than other kids" and that I didn't do a bad job raising him.So,I'm off the hook,yeah! But it's gonna be a long road to get him to work with his "wiring" So,wish us luck!
Slow Start
1 week ago
I think I may already be a member of your club "Avoiders and Giver Inners". Boston and I have issues as well. Good luck with all of this. You will be so glad when Ty is the next Einstein and you can look back and read about how you helped get him where he is later in life! Keep up the good work!
Ty is adorable! And of course he's smart . . . he knows how to get his way! :) Seriously, at least you are on top of things and starting to get him help at an early age. There are so many things out there to help him! He is so dang cute!
Bobbie- Try reading "1-2-3 magic: Discipline for 2-12 year olds." I just started it and I think it will really help...I have already pinpointed some of MY problems that end up making discipline and responsibility hard for my kids to do. It is a really simple program, you just have to stick to your guns!
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