Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Recommendations anyone??

I hope this isn't too personal. But, just about everyone reading blogs is female. We all know how important it is to find the "right" doctor. I don't think my current one is the "right"one. So I'm sending out a plea for help. Tell me who your favorite Gyno is and why. I don't like females for this type of Dr, too many bad experiences, don't ask! I prefer one no further than Mesa. So--here we go me out!!


Charlene said...

I LOVE my doctor! He delivered my last 2 babies and was the one who insisted on me getting a biopsy of my breast lump even if the mammo results were normal.

He's amazing and I always walk away feeling like he really does care about me.

Dr. Gregory Layton and his office is at Higley/Baseline

Stacey said...

I also love mine-- Dr. Beck (he is in the same office as Dr. Layton). Dr. Layton discharged me from the hospital when I had Lauren and I really liked him too!