Today is our 15th wedding anniversary!! When we got married people in our families were actually placing bets on how long we would last. Due to some crazy circumstances which some of you know (no,I wasn't pregnant which makes it that much more crazy) we got married my senior year of high school. I was 17,he was 18. We have far exceeded their expectations and are the happiest of marriages in the family. I'd say we've come a long way in that short amount of time. And we both agree it really doesn't seem like it's been that long!! Which is a good thing because this is nothing compared to eternity!
We have gone from immature teenagers to what you see above you. I wish I could put a pic of us when we got married but I'm still working on this whole computer savvy bit.
We met in 9th grade. Were "together" for a week. I dumped him. We stayed friends for the next 1 1/2 years. Then started dating again. Basically, we've been together since. We were going to wait to have kids so we could go to college. That plan lasted about 3 weeks. That's o.k. By the time our baby is 18,we'll only be 45. Then comes the traveling,etc. And we'll be young enough to enjoy it!
So,here's 15 reasons why I'm still so in love with my sweet husband after 15 years of marriage:
- He tells me he loves me SEVERAL times a day.
- He works hard to keep his business going.
- He keeps the peace between me and our 3 teenage girls.
- He knows how to have fun.
- When I'm in my "crazy" times he just steps back and asks "what do you need,what can I do to help you?"
- He still tells me I'm beautiful all the time even though I'm not the size 2 that he married.
- He makes me laugh ALOT.
- He feels bad when his snoring wakes me up.
- He never brings up past mistakes even when he's mad at me.
- He works really hard to teach our children how to become wonderful adults.
- He holds the Priesthood and is a good example to our boys of what that means.
- He constantly talks to our girls about what they need to look for (and avoid) in a guy when they start dating. It hasn't been that long since he was a teenager.
- He is one of the smartest people I know. He can talk about almost any subject and actually know what he's talking about. I just fake it and then ask him later.
- He always helps the kids with homework. He gets it and he's patient with them.
- He is a GREAT example to the boys of how you should treat your wife and a good example to the girls of how they should expect to be treated by their husbands.
So,here's to the future with a wonderful man. Against all odds we've made it this far and we are still crazy in love. I couldn't ask for anything better than that!!