OK--this is day #3 that you've been gone. We miss you terribly. Natalie had to sleep in our room last night cuz the house isn't safe without you here. I don't know how we will survive "the long trip" But we are so very grateful that you are willing to leave your comfy bed and sleep in a truck, leave your private shower and get clean in a public one and leave your "hot" wife and look at "lot lizards" all the time. Oh, and not to mention the whole not eating thing...
Natalie got an A on that project that she has been working for a month on :)
100% the topographical map (the thing with the clay)
91% on her powerpoint
90% on her oral presentation
plus she got an extra 2 points for having the display board
Kyra had an ortho appt today and guess what---ya, she 's NEVER getting them off!
Jake and Alaina seem to be feeling better. And as I speak (type) Natalie is getting attitude with...everybody!
Ty had a fabulous morning. He got ready in 30 minutes. Plus, he had a great day at school.
That's about it for now. But it's only 4:20 in the afternoon. There's bound to be much more excitement happen today but I'll fill you in on that tonight during our "before bed chat"
Love you tons and bunches and can't wait til you're home on Friday!!
Slow Start
1 week ago